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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Voki's in education

Hi All,

Once again I have had to re-do this posting!!! I am not sure what attempt I am up to now, but never mind....it is all a learning experience.

Now I will write what I previously posted some weeks ago.....

Voki avatars have been a revelation over the past few days. The other evening as I finally worked out how to create and save them I decided to have a play around. I created one for my two boys from their puppy. The following morning I played it to them, they were completely spell bound by this dog talking to them on the screen, they thought it was simply marvellous. So from that point on they were hooked, and we progressed to create countless other Voki avatars. They were completely engaged and captivated throughout the exercise. As they experimented they became more and more excited by the possibilities. The ability for them to create, even on an elementary level was very special to see. Today my eldest son charged off to school with a mission to educated his teacher and friends about his new found knowledge of Voki avatars.

If this exercise can engage a 4 and 6 year old, whose skills, although fantastic for their ages, are still unable to spell and navigate independently. Just think of the possibilities. This website could have great opportunities for older children with disabilities, especially those with communication, confidence or speech difficulties. The power of the students to create is only limited by their imagination.

The avatar that I have attempted to embed is continuing on the theme of cyclones that has been discussed earlier. I hope it works.

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