Why ICT's?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Voices from the Cape….


I have just finished watching the Matchstick presentation on the Aurukun community school project. I found this programme extremely moving. From the outset the hurdles that the children living within this community have to overcome just to get through their day is unfair and largely forgotten. The percentage of Australian society does not give the remote Aboriginal communities even the slightest thought as they progress through their daily lives. These communities have very few resources and very little support. Is there any wonder that the children are not attending school, why bother…..

When the film crew entered the community and school it was no surprise that they were sceptical. As it was stated, they were quite used to “white” people entering the community and making feeble attempts at change. However, this group did seem to engage not only the students, but also parents and community Elders. With a project such as this the chance to tell their own story, good and bad, gave them confidence and inspiration. The use of multimedia devices, creativity and the encouragement for students to determine their learning outcomes provided motivation and participation. Although this video was based in an isolated area, the teaching methods can be applied to all classrooms. The ability of the teachers and media professionals to motivate the students to participate was achieved through the use of technologies, most certainly, but also through their own pedagogy. The technology was the instrument for engagement, but pedagogy that allowed students to determine the future and direction of a project engendered ideals ownership and pride. This project is a tribute to both the people running the program, the teachers and the community. The use of technology, with a visual and auditory result, combined with effective and creative pedagogy, motivates and inspires.


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