Why ICT's?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tell me a story.....


As I have talked about in previous postings the power that images,music and narration can invoke is undeniable. When two or more of these elements are used in conjunction with each other the result is even more compelling. The theory developed by Keirsley and Shneiderman of relate-create-donate can be applied to Digistories.

Digistories can be created and aimed at many levels of student capability and age. There are often, as I have found on my EPL, students working at different levels within the same class. In the grade 6 class that I am involved in, there is one student that is doing grade 3/4 standard. There are also a number of other students that due to other physical disabilities have varying capabilities too. Therefore, having a theme and allowing individuals and small groups creativity in the design and content of their story caters for the varying capabilities. Also, just because one child is academically less developed, does not mean that their creative or technological aptitude is equally deficient. Through teamwork and peer interaction, often all facets of the project can be covered. It is important that the teacher is aware of the students' strengths and weaknesses, and creating groups that compliment the various student capabilities. If this can be achieved then the results and performances should also reflect the dynamics of the group.

Another aspect to Digistories that I find encouraging, is the fact that there are a variety of different mediums through which they can be created. Even schools with relatively limited resources should have access to PowerPoint at a minimum. Although there are a multitude of devices that can enhance the story from the Internet, the reality is that not all students have access to this in the classroom. Even the opportunity to experiment on this level is motivating for students and teachers. What my have rather basic imagery in the beginning, with practice and exposure can develop into a meaningful and significant story.

Although in this unit I probably will not have the opportunity to develop a Digistory in the classroom, I sincerely hope that in the near future I do.


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